In Love Still

2007 February 10

‘I’m Still Alive’ by Odelot

Love, Etch On Wood

10 February – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: If I have the gift of prophecy, and faith enough to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.’ The Filipinos are all heart, all love. This image inspires me to say: ‘The Filipinos are still in love, and you can etch that on wood if not on stone.’

Early this morning, with coffee, I was talking to the father-in-law of my daughter Teresa and the topic was of course Philippine politics, including how GMA apologized to the people and how the people, millions of them anyway, forgave her for a political indiscretion. Remember ‘Hello, Garci?’ I forgave her.

And we talked some more. And suddenly, the father-in-law said, ‘This country is going to the dogs, really.’ And I said, in so many words, ‘Actually no. We’re not going to the dogs – we’re already there!’ He laughed. ‘We’re down there, so there’s no way to go but up.’

If you don’t know how Filipinos love, or don’t believe it, come and live in the Philippines for a year. We survive, even thrive, despite everything, because we love. It is love that makes the world of the Filipino go round and round. And truth to tell, we Filipinos enjoy the ride!