The Egg That Failed.

2007 October 5

The One I Didn’t Catch


Fr Reuter October 5 – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: The one who falls, and tries once more / Is closer to God than he was before.

I thank you for saying that, Father. I take it that it is in the attitude of the one who has failed to admit that it was his fault and that he wasn’t paying attention much and that with his talent he should succeed the next time, if not this time – God willing.

I’ll rewrite that to say, ‘The one who fails …’ Take the case of this egg. You would think it had fallen. I was there when it happened – it was crushed by one of the ducks in there, perhaps the egg layer herself (it happened so fast I didn’t notice), as she scampered out when early in the morning the duck man tried to shoo them away from the hut to hunt for food outside. There are three who failed here: the duck, the duck man and the camera man – me. The duck wasn’t looking where she was going; the duck man wasn’t thinking; I was ready with my camera but I failed to anticipate the moment – it would have been memorable. The duck man and I will do it again next time, and I hope we’ll be better.