Assets & Liabilities

2006 December 22


Assets & Liabilities, Power & Wealth

22 December – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: Herod wanted prestige, power and wealth. He got them. The Three Kings only wanted to find God. And they found Him. Apt image from Tokyo Knock who captions it ‘Our Assets’ ( Wealth is not asset until it gives you income (from Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame and fortune). The forest is wealth from God. Trees in the forest are assets because they give us beauty, a healthy environment, a rich soil, wildlife. They give us life. You can find God in trees if you care enough. There’s no prestige believing in God, but you will find power and wealth if you believe enough. You can find power and wealth outside of believing in God, as millions do, but I believe that’s a liability.