Give & Receive

2006 December 5

Give & Receive

05 December – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: Ask and you shall receive. Our Lord said that. And God always keeps His promises. Apt image by PingTing who captions it ‘Give+Receive’ ( Actually, that’s not so easy to believe. Try and borrow money, any amount, from your friend and you will see what I mean. That’s borrow, not beg, not ask. So, what are you supposed to do? You are supposed to simply believe. ‘Ask and you shall receive’ means if you ask for what you deserve, you may get a Yes as an answer; if you ask what you do not deserve, you may get a No as an answer. And ‘ask’ does not simply mean state a need in the form of a prayer to God or a request for someone’s assistance. You have to work for it. If you got it anyway and didn’t work for it, that’s called a miracle.