Joseph The Worrier

2006 December 24


Joseph The Worrier, At First

24 December – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: Joseph heard the voice of the angel, many times. It was God, speaking to him. If you listen, quietly, you will hear the voice of God, speaking to you. Apt image from Byrth who captions it simply ‘Joseph’ ( I looked at Byrth’s note and it says, ‘Joseph has a worried face. He should be happy because his child is indeed a very special one.’ Byrth captures what I thought was Joseph’s exact feeling when first he learned about Mary being with child when he knew that he wasn’t involved in any way at all: worried. Where was this all leading to? He didn’t know his child was special. And many of us are like Joseph: We don’t know that our child is special. If we listen, what will we hear? This: Every child is special, in or out of the womb. In fact, we may be listening, but we don’t believe what we hear; we want the voice to tell us, ‘This is God speaking to you, my child. Please, listen to me.’