A Glorification Of Terrorism?

2007 January 20

‘A Glorification Of Terrorism’ by HeBeDeBe

A Way Out Of Terrorism

20 January – The pastoral text of Fr Reuter is this: Wars are not declared, especially when they are initiated by terrorist groups determined to attain their ends by any means available. – Benedict XVI. HeBeDeBe has a note underneath the photo explaining that what you’re seeing is the 5 November fireworks celebrating the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ of Guy Fawkes, a failed plan to blow up the houses of Parliament on 5 November 1605 in the UK. Terrorism is a modern term for an old concept. Terrorism is guerrilla warfare. We have always had war, nation against nation, or tribes against tribes; we have always had guerrilla wars, in those countries that decide and deserve to govern themselves. But we have never learned from the wars of history – war is a mistake we keep committing. Al Qaida did not invent terrorism; neither did it invent war. The terrorists are not the real enemy; it is us, because we do not love truly. We are the ones who invented war. If you meet terrorism with terrorism, where will it end? War, no matter in what form, is a deadly form of fireworks. It is not for display; it is not for anyone’s enjoyment – except if you do not understand that when you go to war, you are fighting the wrong enemy.